The Man in the Mirror

My Homage to Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable…and Family

My second year of college (1984). Dr. Heathcliff and his Awesome family enter onto my list of ‘things to look forward to’. I don’t remember which night it aired or the time slot. But I do remember the excitement, and the heightened expectation of simple light-hearted fun, that seem to offer a personal invitation to participate.

Then, just in time for my graduation, enters “A Different World”. Denise Huxtable goes to college, and the bond of family spreads its wings of inclusivity beyond the norm of the Huxtable footprint. And again, I’m invited to participate in the joy and Love of it all. The seasons come and go, years pass, and the Huxtable Family and Friends finally come to an end…but there is life in the world of syndication and so the Huxtable Family lives on.   With the passing of time, my college days were tucked away in boxed memorabilia as I endeavored to rear my own little rudy and theo. But with great delight I found a common cord with my children as it became a nightly ritual to watch the Huxtable’s, thanks to Nick at Nite and DVR tapings.

Now here we are today…Controversy, Allegations, Legal proceedings, Public opinions, all placing the actions of Mr. Cosby front and center.

I don’t know Mr. Bill Cosby, but the legacy of Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable and his Family is unblemished. It seems the question, the proverbial elephant in the room is…When do we choose to separate ones’ work from ones’ personal life.

I am stilled when I ponder the ‘What if’s’ of our overall societal functioning. Meaning, what if the same measuring rod were used when holding up the Works of this country’s forefathers, and other great notables, engineers, scientist, technologist, writers, teachers, musicians, artist, humanitarians, for that matter, ANYONE who makes a worthwhile contribution to society in contrast to their personal lives. Do we discredit the work?   Surely there would be no forward movement. We are a society that often showcases our best selves in the work that we do, and fail miserably at just being decent human beings.

Many family memories and moments were inspired, and lessons learned as we gathered to watch The Huxtable Family and Friends. Many a young person set their sights on higher education and embraced the ideals of determination and integrity in ones pursuits.

Mr. Bill Cosby’s guilt or innocence is for the courts to decide…But in the court of public opinion I’d personally like to cast my vote in favor of Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable…The work is blameless.

Happy New Year (2016) Favor !!!!

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